Thursday, August 5, 2010

Surprising Benefits From Decrease In Direct Mail Volume!

Did you know that total U.S. postal mail volume has declined 20% over the last three years? That means about thirty billion fewer pieces of mail went into the mail stream during this period.

What does this mean to you as a direct marketer?

It means that YOUR direct mail piece has a 20% better chance of being seen today than it was just three years ago!

Conversely, 249 billion e-mail messages are being sent every day. This is a mind-boggling number that is overwhelming the inboxes and spam folders of just about everyone. As the majority of this e-mail is considered unsolicited "spam" and is likely blocked and never opened by the intended recipient, it is often useless as a prospecting or marketing tool.

At GT Marketing, we utilize e-mail marketing in conjunction with direct mail marketing, but not in lieu of it. Direct mail is still the #1 proven target marketing method of choice.

To achieve the best results, where do you want your marketing piece to land? Do you want it on your prospect’s desk, or in their junk mail folder?

GT Marketing, Ltd is a full-service direct marketing company, handling complete direct mail fulfillment, project management, and expert consultation services to maximize the return on your investment in marketing dollars. Call us today to discuss your next project at (800)435-7492, or e-mail us at

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